Virtual training & Schdule

Starting Wednesday 01 April 2020
Hello Taegeuk students and families
There’s nothing more important than the health, safety and well-being of our students, families and Masters. While COVID-19 demands social distancing, let’s embrace the notion that we can train as a family at home. We know these class cancellations may have caused significant disruption and inconvenience for families. We’re asking for your cooperation and understanding as we navigate this uncharted situation, together.

In any normal year, our Masters and students at Taegeuk Taekwondo would begin the start of spring with excitement, optimism and a well earned break. Obviously this isn’t a normal year. Our students, families and Masters are working through major changes to their day-to routines, for the coming weeks and months. This past week, our Masters have been working hard to develop plans for continuity of training when our students return after spring break. We will be in touch with you during spring break to share what those plans look like for your child and their continued taekwondo training. We need to acknowledge that it won’t be the same, as online learning is quite different from face-to-face delivery.

The Masters will be regularly posting training sessions through “Zoom Cloud Meetings”, an online app that allows for real time training and chat please download zoom cloud meetings from app store and sign up, and provide your name & email address text to this number 780-668-7868. The goal is to remain connected to our sport while being active and reaching for goals for things like, promotional belt testing while building a supportive community in these evolving times.

An amazing feature of these virtual classes is that students can be active with their entire family. Families can be active together; healthy together; and have fun together.Physical activity is important not only for building strong bones and muscles, but also reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. With the uncertainties we are currently facing, it is even more important that our students and families remain active.

While we are all desperate to be back in action in person, I want to reassure you that student and staff safety is top of mind. We are fully committed to the health and safety of our students, families and Masters.

Master Kim