Taegeuk Families and Students,

It would seem that history is unfortunately repeating itself again, and we have just received news that all outdoor physical activities have been restricted by law. This does now mean that we can no longer hold in person classes, either outdoors or indoors. As much as we’ve been enjoying the nice weather and a return to normalcy for our Taekwondo training, we now must take a few steps back, and return to our online training for the safety of all of our students, families, and the community at large.

Online classes will function the same as they did last year, running Monday, all the way through Friday. The schedule for online classes will be posted below, in which classes will be divided by belt levels. Students are still expected to show up on time to their classes, wearing both their uniforms and belts, being ready to train. There will also be no option for make up classes, as classes for all belt levels will occur each day of the week. All online classes will take place through Zoom meetings, just as they did last year.

Please download Zoom Cloud Meetings, if you have not already, from the app store and sign up. Provide your name & email address, and then text this number 780-668-7868. This way we can send you an invite link to our meeting which you can join for your respective class. The goal of online training is to remain connected to our sport while still being active and reaching for our goals, while building a supportive community in these evolving times. If you are in any way confused about the process of joining the online classes, please do not hesitate to reach out to us; the training of each and every student is of prime importance to us! While we are all desperate to be back in action in person, I want to reassure you that the health and safety of our students and staff is at the top of our mind along with the importance of training. We are fully committed to the health and safety of our students, families and Masters. Online classes will occur for the next 3 weeks in this manner, starting Monday, May 10.

However, as we all well know by now, this could be subject to further change. This does mean that we will maintain our outdoor classes for this week.(May 5th ~May 8th) In the chaos and uncertainty of this new year, it is more important than ever to remain close to our families and keep active as we brave through this uncharted territory together.

Never give up Taegeuk Families! You can do it!

Master Kim

Master Youn