Hello Taegeuk families (2 weeks shut down)

There has been an announcement from government of Alberta will effect Master Kim Taegeuk taekwondo school. Taekwondo school will closed for 2 weeks It is very disappoint that school will be closed 2 weeks but our Taekwondo school will follow government of Alberta’s safety rule. We can not serve you and your kids in person class but we will do online classes Monday to Friday starting on Nov 17 2020. We will provide online classes everyday. Which is 5 days in a week class schedule will be posted down below. If you have any questions please feel free to contact at taekwondo school at 780-668-7868 or email (tmqksksk@hotmail.com). If it all goes well we will reopen studio 28th Nov 2020 We will be happy to resume on Saturday until than please remain safe and healthy.

We apologize for the confusion. But our Taekwondo school will follow government of Alberta’s safety rule. Above our school’s wants, the health and safety of our students and their families and our community is of utmost and primary importance to us.

Master Kim

Master Youn


Taegeuk Taekwondo west / Taegeuk Taekwondo south