Hello all Taegeuk Families,

we have some exciting news! Starting from June 1st, all of our outdoor classes will reopen!

The classes will function in the same manner as before we moved to being fully online. All classes will take place in the same respective fields beside the West and South schools. The schedule will remain the same, along with our outdoor class expectations.

Students will be expected to bring their own personal waters, along with a jacket in case of cooler weather. Appropriate footwear, such as runners, should be worn during classes. Lastly, washrooms will be relatively unavailable, so we highly encourage all students to use the bathroom before coming to outdoor training.

If the weather for the day is poor, such as rain or even snow, classes will unfortunately have to be canceled for that day. If this is to ever happen, make-up classes will always be available upon contacting Master Kim or Master Youn.

Just like before, online classes will remain an option for families who do not feel comfortable going back in person just yet. If families wish to move back to in person or from in-person to online, please contact Master Kim or Master Youn to arrange it. The schedule for online classes will be the same as it was before (Monday ~ Wednesday) our transfer to fully online. Both in-person and online schedules will be posted below.

As always, we admire everyone’s fortitude and ability to push through all this adversity that is before us. We look forward to seeing you outdoors on June 1st!

Master Kim

Master Youn