Special Force Taegeuk Taekwondo Edmonton


Outdoor training!!!!

Greetings Taegeuk Taekwondo families, this is Master Kim and Master Youn.

As of today, we have received the news from the government regarding the closure of all indoor sports and activities for a minimum of two weeks due to Covid-19. This unfortunately includes both of our South and West Taekwondo school locations. However, we are pleased to announce that we will now be holding outdoor classes in the nearby fields starting Monday, May 3rd. Attached are pictures of the respective fields where training will take place.

Out door training location

– West : front of school field.

– South : community Garden field.

Outdoor classes will run similar to how we operated our in person classes, occurring at the same time but now outdoors instead of indoors. That being said, we highly recommend that all students come prepared with a jacket and their own personal water given that the weather may change unexpectedly. If the forecast for any day shows for rain or any other poor conditions, we will cancel the classes for that day until further notice. Due to this factor, make-up classes will still be available(includning online class). Please contact Master Kim or Master Youn to set up these classes should the need arise. Additionally, bathrooms will not be as readily available or available at all, so using the bathroom before training is strongly encouraged.

Online classes are still being offered, and you are always welcome to switch to this option if you do not feel comfortable with in-person outdoor training.

This is a tough time for everyone, and everyone here at Taegeuk Taekwondo admires your resilience and fortitude. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding this new arrangement. (Ph 780-668-7868 email : tmqksksk@hotmail.com)

Never give up!

Master Kim and Master Youn                              

Taegeuk Taekwondo West

Taegeuk Taekwondo South